Site maintainance

This site is a fairly standard GitHub Pages setup using Jekyll. Documents are served from the osl-docs repository. Most of the extras like page lists and navigation sections are handled automatically. Here are some of the common tasks

Writing pages

Making a new page

Make a new file anywhere - but best to put it in the docs folder. Start the file with

layout: default
title: MyTitle
resource: true
categories: documentation

The document will automatically be added to the navbar section corresponding to its category, and the title will also be placed at the top of the page content. After this header, write content in Markdown (the same as on GitHub wiki pages).

Adding a table of contents



at the top of the page

Adding an image

![resting_state](/osl-docs/pages/docs/preprocessing_pipeline.jpg){:style="max-height: 400px;"}

Linking to a file

[session3_ohba_workshop_osl_source_recon_2017.pdf](/osl-docs/downloads/- session3_ohba_workshop_osl_source_recon_2017.pdf)

Linking to another wiki page

[a relative link](

Linking to a section within the wiki

If the section has a title (e.g. with a series of hashes) then you can refer to it as

### My Section
See [here](#another-section)

### Another section

where spaces are swapped for hyphens and everything is lowercase.

Linking to a Matlab tutorial


Writing tutorials

Making a new tutorial

  1. Write the content in Matlab
  2. Run osl_publish on your Matlab file
  3. Add and commit the files in the osl-docs repository (NOT osl-core)

Renaming a tutorial

One thing that osl_publish does instead of just publish is that automatically adds the requisite YAML header to the resulting HTML file so that it is included when the site is built by Jekyll. All of the published tutorials start with something like

layout: matlab_wrapper
title: OAT 3 - Sourcespace Analysis
resource: true
categories: examples

The title or category could be manually changed, if designed. However, so that the tutorials can be rebuilt when required, is is highly advised to edit the tutorial script and to re-publish it, rather than making manual changes to the pages.

Managing the site

Making a new nav section

Open _config.yml. There is a list of categories e.g.

category-list: [overview,examples,documentation,archive]

Add your category to the list. It will appear in the navbar and any pages given that category will automatically be added to it

If you just want to link to a page in the navbar, edit _includes/navigation.html. There is a list that corresponds to the content of the navbar. Currently, the first item in the list is a link to the home page e.g.

<li><a href="/osl-docs/"">Home</a></li>

Add other links in the same way. Put them before or after the automatically generated set of dropdowns.

Running the site locally

When developing the tutorial pages, it can be helpful to view the pages locally. After checking out a copy of osl-docs, first make sure you have all the dependencies

gem install bundler
brew install libxml2 libxslt
sudo gem install nokogiri -v -- --use-system-libraries=true --with-xml2-include=/Applications/

Then install the GitHub jekyll dependencies

bundle install

Finally, run the local server
