Preprocessing - OPT

OPT (OSL’s Preprocessing Tool) is a fully automated pipeline for preprocessing MEG data. This automates as many of the analysis decisions as possible, and allows easy (though still robust, efficient and valid) analysis, whilst giving some flexibility if needed.

OPT runs through the following pipeline steps (some of which can be optionally turned off):

An example/template script for calling OPT is called osl_example_preprocessing_opt.m and can be found in the OSL matlab directory. This script can easily be adapted to run on your own data.

Combining multiple OPT runs (including adding new sessions or re-running subsets of sessions)

A common issue is running OPT separately on different sessions/subjects using separate calls to osl_run_opt for each one. This can happen when adding new sessions/subjects, or perhaps when re-running a “problem” session/subject.

For this to work, the key is keep the following opt settings fixed over each call to osl_run_opt:

To run OPT on different sessions in different calls to osl_run_opt, simple change the opt.sessions_to_do for each run.

When all sessions have been run, you can then use a call to:


This will mine the opt directory and combine together the results it can find. It will also produce a consolidated OPT report.

Data Input

For each subject OPT requires, either (if Elekta Neuromag data):

Or (for any data type):

Or (for any data type):

Note that:

See Settings for more.


A call to osl_run_opt, i.e.


returns an opt object with a sub-struct named results i.e.:


In particular, this contains:

It is highly recommended that you inspect both the opt.results.logfile and, to ensure that OPT has run successfully.

Running the Analysis

The OPT structure should be passed to the function osl_run_opt.m, to run the pipeline.


The opt settings need to be in an OPT structure (e.g. called opt) that needs to be setup with a call to the osl_check_opt.m function (with the required settings have been setup in the OPT structure - see below).

osl_check_opt.m will check the settings, and will throw an error if any required inputs are missing, and will fill other settings that are not passed in with their default values. The OPT structure can then be passed to osl_run_opt to do an OPT analysis.

Required inputs

The required inputs for osl_check_opt.m are:



Optional inputs

See inside this function (e.g. use type osl_check_opt.m) to see the other optional settings, or just look at the fields in the output OPT structure!