Beamforming in OSL

Beamforming in OSL

This example shows how to perform beamforming


This practical will work with a single subject's data from an emotional faces experiment (MEGIN Neuromag data).

Setup the analysis

The only thing you need to do is to go into your OSL directory (i.e. type cd /somedirectory/osl/osl-core ) and then run the following.


This only needs to be run once, each time you re-start MATLAB

First, we will load in an SPM MEEG object that has been preprocessed, including epoching. This is from a subject doing two tasks interleaved together:

  • a simple finger tapping
  • viewing a simple visual stimulus
D_epoched = spm_eeg_load(fullfile(osldir,'example_data','beamforming_example','sept2019_vml_session1_epoched'));

We start by cropping the data in time to the time window we are interested in (this will speed things up too). We're expecting to see quite a long-lived response post stimulus in the frequency domain, that's why we use such a large window.

S = struct;
S.D = D_epoched;
S.timewin = [-4 4]*1000; % in msecs
D_epoched = spm_eeg_crop(S);

Note that we can visualise the timing of different trials, in continuous time, before the epoching was done. This shows the different trial types (alongside the samples that have been marked as bad - if there are any) The start of a trial is marked with an 'o', and the end is marked with an 'x'.

You can see that this choice of window width (i.e. -4 to 4secs) avoids overlapping between trials of the same type. Note that there were no bad samples marked in continuous space in this data.


The MEEG object must be in a sensor-space montage - this could be the raw data (montage 0), or it could be an online montage obtained after running AFRICA

D_epoched = D_epoched.montage('switch',0);

It is worth noting here that each MEEG object keeps track of its filename


Some of the OSL functions result in the file being copied, and a prefix added. Typically this happens when filtering. You can update your D variable in place, and use the fullfile property to keep track of the updated filename instead of dealing with the prefixes themselves. The only caveat is that you will end up with a lot of files on disk unless you delete them as you go

Temporal Filtering

It is typical that we want the beamforming to focus on a particular frequency band. A frequency range of 1-45Hz is fairly typical for a standard ERF or induced response analysis, although you could beamform to more specific bands (e.g. alpha, beta). Here we will beamform the 1-45Hz band. You can do this using the osl_filter function

D_epoched = osl_filter(D_epoched,[1 45]);

Notice how the filename has automatically been updated. There is only a single variable (D_epoched) in Matlab, but there are two files on disk, one filtered and one unfiltered. Effectively, the unfiltered file is no longer loaded in Matlab. If you didn't want to retain the original unfiltered data on disk, you could use

filtered_D_epoched = osl_filter(D_epoched); D_epoched.delete()

Sensor-type normalisation

If we were working with MEGIN Neuromag data then we would have two sensor types, planar gradiometers and magnetometers. Before beamforming, we would need to normalise these two sensor types so that they can contribute equally to the beamformer calculation. Briefly, this is done by scaling the different sensor types to so that their variances over time are equal.

Here, we are working with CTF data, where there is one sensor type - so this step is not strictly necessary:

[D_epoched pcadim] = osl_normalise_sensor_data(S);

Check coregistration and forward model

The function used for beamforming is osl_inverse_model. The MEEG object passed to osl_inverse_model needs to have been coregistered and the forward model needs to have been run. You can determine if this is the case by examining the MEEG object's inv property


If the forward field is not empty, then you should be fine. Otherwise:

  • If forward is empty but D.inv is not, then you need to run osl_forward_model
  • If D.inv is empty or missing, then you need to run osl_headmodel.

Note that osl_headmodel runs coregistration (e.g. rhino or the SPM coregistration), and osl_forward_model.

See the coregistration practical for more on coregistration:

Calling osl_inverse_model

The function that does the actual beamforming is called osl_inverse_model.

This takes three arguments: 1) an MEEG object, 2) a set of MNI coordinates to compute voxel timecourses at, and 3) an optional settings structure, used to override the default settings in osl_inverse_model.

You can get the set of MNI coordinates in two ways. If you are beamforming onto one of the OSL standard masks (i.e. something like 'MNI152_T1_8mm_brain.nii.gz') then you can create a parcellation object at that spatial resolution and use the template coordinates

spatial_res=10; % Spatial resolution of the voxel grid to beamform to, in mm
p = parcellation(spatial_res);
mni_coords = p.template_coordinates;

This syntax might also be appealing if you plan to use a parcellation later in your analysis e.g.

p = parcellation('my_parcellation.nii.gz') mni_coords =

Alternatively, you can get the set of MNI coordinates by passing a NIFTI file to osl_mnimask2mnicoords

OSL comes with a set of pre-computed MNI-aligned masks at various resolutions (from 1 to 15mm, in 1mm steps). Below we select a 10mm grid. Note that this coarse grid is selected to keep the practical speedy - the spatial resolution of MEG is on the order of 3-5mm.

spatial_res=10; % Spatial resolution of voxel grid to beamform to, in mm
mni_coords = osl_mnimask2mnicoords(fullfile(osldir,'std_masks',['MNI152_T1_', num2str(spatial_res), 'mm_brain.nii.gz']));

Either way, mni_coords should be an n_voxels x 3 matrix.

Next, we will set up the setting structure. These fields are all optional but you may of course wish to override the defaults

S = struct;
S.timespan          = [-3 3]; % in secs
S.pca_order         = 100;
S.inverse_method    = 'beamform';
S.type              = 'Scalar'; % beamformer output will be a scalar (rather than a 3D vector)
S.prefix            = ''; % add no prefix to filename
S.modalities        = {'MEG'};

The S.timespan option indicates the time window to be used to estimate the source reconstruction weights. Note however that the whole time range in D_epoched.time will still effectively be reconstructed.

Note that if you had MEGIN Neuromag data then you would want the following settings:

  • S.modalities = {'MEGPLANAR' 'MEGMAG'};
  • S.fuse = 'meg';

where the S.fuse='meg' option means that the source reconstruction will fuse information from all MEG sensor types listed in S.modalities, in this case from both the MEG planar grads and the magnetometers.

The PCA order is a form of regularization and can help improve your results. For CTF data, a value of 100 is typical. For MEGIN data that has been maxfiltered, a value less than ~60 will be appropriate (as this reflects the fact that after default maxfiltering, the rank of the MEG data in sensor space is ~64).

We now actually run the beamformer. Before calling osl_inverse_model, we make sure that the normalised sensor space montage is the one being used.

D_epoched = D_epoched.montage('switch',normalise_data_montage);

D_epoched = osl_inverse_model(D_epoched,mni_coords,S);

Note that osl_inverse_model writes changes to disk and thus will commit any unsaved changes you have made to the MEEG object to disk. This is something to be aware of if you are used to changing the montages in memory (e.g. by parcellation or orthogonalization) without saving to disk.

Beamformer output

Note that the D_epoched object has now got a number of channels equal to the number of MNI coordinates we specified in mni_coords, and they will be in the same order:


disp('Number of channels in D_epoched:')

disp('Number of MNI coordinates:')

You'll see that the result of running the beamformer is the addition of two new online montages corresponding to the beamformed result:

  • Source space (MEG) without weights normalisation,
  • Source space (MEG) with weights normalisation

Weights normalisation is used to correct the fact that, with beamforming, voxels that are deeper in the brain tend to have higher variance.


Switch to the montage that corresponds to the source recon with weights normalisation, check that source_recon_montage is set accordingly before running this next bit


Source space ERFs

To see the conditions (i.e. trial types) in the data we can use:


Here we will first focus on 'Stim_Onset' trials, which corresponds to a simple visual stimulus. We can do using the indtrial function:

resp_trls = indtrial(D_epoched,'Stim_Onset','good');

This gives all good trials for this condition in the data.

We then compute the event-related field (ERF) by averaging over all these trials. Note that because of the ambiguity of the sign of the activity following source reconstruction (see, we work with the absolute value of the ERF:


We can then save out and view the spatio-temporal activity of the abs(ERF), as a 4D niftii file where the 4th dimension is time.


Once FSLeyes is open, make sure you:

  • select the abs_erf image in the overlay list
  • set the min to 0.3
  • select "View->Time-series"

We expect a good evoked response in the visual cortex at ~100ms. NOTE: fsleyes shows the time-axis using the time index (i.e. the volume-index in the 4D niftii file being shown). So to know what time index 100ms corresponds to, you can use:

time_of_interest=0.1; % in secs

Note that you can also press the volume/movie button (immediately to the left of toggle crosshairs on/off) to automatically cycle through the time series.

Source space time-frequency plots

As well as viewing the ERF, we can also look at oscillatory power using the time-frequency TF transform (i.e. the induced response, which corresponds to event-related synchronisations and de-synchronisations)

Here we want to focus on the 'Abduction' trials in the same data, which correspond to a simple hand movement. We can identify Abduction trials using the indtrial function:

resp_trls = indtrial(D_epoched,'Abduction','good');

We then use osl_tf_transform to do the time-frequency TF transform. Here we are using a Hilbert transform within the beta-band frequency range, i.e. 13-30Hz.

S = struct;
S.tf_method = 'hilbert';
S.tf_freq_range = [13,30];
S.tf_num_freqs = 1;
S.raw_times = D_epoched.time;
S.ds_factor = 0.5; % smaller value means less time samples in result
dat = osl_tf_transform( S , D_epoched(:,:,resp_trls) );

We can now compute the induced response in the beta band by averaging over trials:

induced_response_beta = mean(dat.dattf(:,:,:,:),3);

We then do baseline correction on the trial averaged data, separately for each frequency bin

S=struct; = induced_response_beta; % pass in trial averaged beta power data [nchannels x ntpts]
S.time = dat.tf_times; % vector or tpts for 2nd dimension of
S.time_window = [-3 -2]; % [start end] in secs
induced_response_beta_bc = osl_baseline_correct(S);

Finally, we can save the result and open it in fsleyes

fname_out=nii.quicksave(induced_response_beta_bc,'induced_response_beta_bc',spatial_res,spatial_res); % output spatial map of erf at 0sec

Once FSLeyes is open, make sure you:

  • select the induced_response_beta_bc image in the overlay list
  • turn on the negative color map and set it to use "blue-light blue"
  • set the min to 0.15
  • select "View->Time-series"

We expect a post movement beta rebound (beta synchronisation or power increase) at about 1-2 sec post stimulus

NOTE: fsleyes shows the time-axis using the time index (i.e. the volume-index in the 4D niftii file being shown). So to know what time index 1.3secs corresponds to, you can use:

time_of_interest=1.3; % in secs

Now, use fsleyes to find a voxel at this ~1.3sec timepoint that has a high beta rebound (i.e. a high positive value, indicating a high beta power or beta ERS), and enter it here in MNI coordinates in mm:

beta_ers_mnicoord=[-30 -21 58]; % in mm

We can then get the voxel index nearest to that:


Next, we can plot the time course of beta power at the chosen voxel:

xlabel('time (s)','FontSize',15);
ylabel('beta power','FontSize',15);

We can also plot the TF transform across a range of freq bands at this voxel

S = struct;
S.tf_method = 'morlet';
S.tf_freq_range = [1,40];
S.tf_num_freqs = 30;
S.raw_times = D_epoched.time;
S.ds_factor = 0.5;
dat = osl_tf_transform( S , D_epoched(beta_ers_voxel_index,:,resp_trls) );

Next, we perform baseline correction, carried out on trial averaged data, separately for each frequency bin

S=struct; = mean(dat.dattf,3); % pass in trial averaged TF data [nchannels x ntpts x 1 x nfreq]
S.time = dat.tf_times; % vector or tpts for 2nd dimension of
S.time_window = [-Inf -1.5]; % [start end] in secs
dat_bc = osl_baseline_correct(S);

Finally, we can plot the baseline corrected time-frequency response for the chosen voxel

tf = squeeze(dat_bc(:,:,:,:))';
grid on;
contourf(dat.tf_times,dat.tf_freqs,tf,32,'linestyle','none' )
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Induced Response','FontSize',15)

Note that in everything we have done in this practical, we have not done any statistics. We have just been looking at the evoked responses averaged over trials in a single subject.